Matthew 10:38—“He That Taketh Not His Cross, and Followeth after Me, Is Not Worthy of Me”
Although this verse and the verses immediately before and after seem very harsh and demanding of those who follow Jesus, they are very real to some converts to the Church. President Gordon B. Hinckley told about one such convert. He was a naval officer from a non-Christian nation who received professional training in the United States. While in the United States he was introduced to the Church and decided to be baptized. Before returning to his home he met with President Hinckley, who related their conversation:
“I said: ‘Your people are not Christians. What will happen when you return home a Christian, and, more particularly, a Mormon Christian?’
“His face clouded, and he replied, ‘My family will be disappointed. They may cast me out and regard me as dead. As for my future and my career, all opportunity may be foreclosed against me.’
“I asked, ‘Are you willing to pay so great a price for the gospel?’
“His dark eyes, moistened by tears, shone from his handsome brown face as he answered, ‘It’s true, isn’t it?’
“Ashamed at having asked the question, I responded, ‘Yes, it’s true.’
“To which he replied, ‘Then what else matters?’” (“It’s True, Isn’t It?” Ensign, July 1993, 2).